Doug made many contributions to UTS Norths on the track, on the road, cross country and in walks, as well as on the UTS committee. At the 2012 UTS Norths presentation dinner Doug was awarded the Mike Poirrier trophy as our club person of the year. Doug was made a life member of UTS Norths in 2014 after what then president Frazer Dowling described as "a decade of loyalty and commitment, providing inspiration and leadership." He was always involved behind the scenes, never seeking the limelight, but was always ever reliably there to help.
As an athlete, Doug ran middle distance, out of stadia road racing and relays, cross country events and walks. Doug joined UTS Norths in 2003 as a way of encouraging his son Tim, who had just graduated from little athletics, to stay in the sport. When Tim moved onto a life in academia, Doug stayed with the club and was a regular in both summer and winter competition. Doug also encouraged his mother Laurel to join the club. She holds the UTS Norths'80+ years women's 800m and 1500m walk records.
He was a regular at Northern Zone and All comers at Rotary Athletic Field for 20 years, he was always there to help. For the ANSW state relays he was the relays co-ordinator for walks. When you attended state, road or cross-country relays, you had Doug to thank for the signage and tents to be there and brought back.
Doug was a kind and generous person. This was highlighted in 2011 when UTS Norths contested the NSW Road Relays Championships at Flagstaff Hill, Wollongong. Doug was injured and unable to run but travelled to Wollongong to support his club. In the women’s under 20 years relay Charlotte Wilson fell, badly twisting her ankle. Ever the club man, Doug volunteered to take Charlotte to hospital and waited with her in emergency until her parents arrived from Sydney. It was typical of Doug's generosity.
Doug was also accomplished athlete, contributing greatly to distance running at UTS Norths. He currently holds ten club records, set from 2004 to 2022:
1. 600m, M65 from 2018
2. 1500m walk, M50 in 2004/05
3. 2000m walk, Open and M65 in 2018
4. 4 x 4km cross country, M60+ in 2022 with Steven Ball, Brad Sharpe and Kevin Chamberlain.
5. 7.5km Cross Country, M65 in 2019
6. 7.5km cross country, M70 in 2022
7. 8km road race, M55 in 2011,
8. 8km road race, M60 in 2013
9. 8km road race, M65 in 2021
10. 10km road race, M65 in 2020
Doug was a long-term actuary with first AMP and then Bankers Trust before retiring and so was an obvious choice to take over from Nancy Lloyd when she stepped down as club treasurer 2011/12. He held this position until 2020/21, when he moved to Canberra to be close to his family. With his dedication to competing, Doug returned to Sydney from Canberra to compete for UTS Norths over the last few years. He was instrumental in setting up UTS Norths Foundation. Doug was a quiet, determined and considered man. His thoughtful wisdom was always valued in the committee meetings.
Doug had battled with cancer previously. In November 2024 it returned, and he went to hospital before Christmas for palliative care. His 3 children and grandchildren were with him. He passed away at 9:30am on 16th January at the palliative hospital surrounded by family. He was 72 years old.
Many of the messages that have come in from UTS Norths club members sum up his character:
“A true gentleman”, “great guy who will be sadly missed”, “red and black through and through,” “he was a very fine gentleman”, “Doug was a lovely man”. “Doug was a great guy and athlete”, “Doug was a good man”.
His funeral will be in Belconnen in Canberra on Friday 24 January, 2025 at 3pm. It will also be live steamed. Details as follows: