We are pleased to advise that the 2nd Winter Series with Throws Pentathlon will also include NSW Masters Pre-Departure Meet will be held at Rotary Athletics Field on Saturday 25 May 2024 after a successful 1st Winter Series.
Cost: Entry Fee for Individual Events is capped at $15
Entry Fee for the Throws Pentathlon is $20
register early
Open to all athletes of all ages and abilities
If you are entering the Throws Pentathlon, please register using the Throws Pentathlon link as the Individual Event Registration link will only enable you to enter 3 thows events on offer Discus, Shot and Weight plus other Track Events.
Attention NSW Masters Members registering for Pre-Departure Meet and not a member of a Athletics NSW club, please enter NSWMA in the National ID section and Enter NSWMA as club. This will be checked in membership database to ensure you are a NSW Master member. If you are not a NSW Master member and would like to register for any event please ensure you are a member of NSW Athletics Club or other state club as you will be asked to enter your National ID and Club
Entries for the Throws Pentathlon will CLOSE Friday to accommodate time to get the scoring sheets and other administration in order. STRICTLY NO ON-THE-DAY ENTRIES FOR THROWS PENTATHLON
Entries for Individual events will close at the start of competition.
Date: Saturday 25 May 2024
10.45am - Hammer Throw Pentathlon ONLY %
11.00am - Triple Jump
11.30am - 60m Sprint
12.00pm - 200m Sprint
12.00pm - Shot Put Throw % *
12.20pm - 2 x 100m Relay
1.00pm - Discus Throw % *
12.30pm - 800m Run
1.00pm - 3000m Run
2.15pm - Javelin Throw Pentathlon ONLY %
3.00pm - Weight Throw % *
3.45pm - Super Weight Throw * #
#Extra free of charge
% PENTATHLON - Order of events must be done this way to meet Pentathlon rules
* INDIVIDUAL - Individual throwing events will be conducted at the same time as the PENTATHLON, will only be Discus, Shot and Weight
For NSW Masters athletes, please direct any inquiries regarding registration or issues you have to Maria Cimino at registrar@nswmastersathletics.org.au