
U.T.S. Northern Suburbs Athletic Club Inc.

Mission, Vision, Values and Objectives

Mission, Vision, Values  and Objectives


To be a leader in promoting, developing and growing athletics broadly, focussing on Sydney Northern Districts and in the UTS community. We provide a well-run club with athletic facilities and support for athletes, coaches, volunteers and officials. We provide a friendly and supportive club for all athletes to reach their potential, developing individuals and squads, through pathways, camaraderie and strong club spirit. The club builds community through strong relationships with other organisations to advance the image of athletics and opportunities as a sport for life of achievement fun and fitness.


Core values of UTS Northern Suburbs Athletic Club focusses on athlete experience, and include a welcoming, friendly, inclusive, supportive club, ethical, community focused, positive and respectful athletics environment for all ages, abilities and athletic disciplines.


UTS Norths vision will provide the highest quality facilities, coaching, training and supportive environment to enable all club members to reach their full potential.

  • We will provide training squads, coaching and ancillary services to all ages, abilities and disciplines.

  • We will work with other organisation partners to create this supportive environment to become an internationally recognised elite athletics club with international athletes.

  • We will develop world class facilities of a grass training track at Rotary Athletic Field and a synthetic athletic track in the UTS precinct.

  • We will develop relationships with a diverse range of community groups to foster inclusion and engagement in athletics.

  • We will develop deeper involvement between athletics and UTS for education and future career pathways for club members in sport science, sports medicine, sports research, sports management and other UTS offered academic disciplines.

  1. To provide a local organisation to service the needs of athletes including Little Athletes, Juniors, Opens, Masters, Recreational and Schools across all athletes’ disciplines of track, field and out of stadium.

  2. To provide professional administration, coaching and facilities for the development of members from beginners to elite.

  3. To provide competition directly or linked with other organisations/clubs including but not limited to Athletics NSW, Athletics Australia and NSW Little Athletics.

  4. To provide pathways throughout the club from Little As to juniors, to Open, further higher education with UTS, also for masters and recreational athletes.

  5. To provide assistance to club members to assist in development and competition opportunities, including fares assistance, facilities, training squad and coaching

  6. To provide assistance and development for club coaches to cater for a range of ages, abilities and athletics disciplines and to foster the training squad system

  7. To provide officials for local, state, national and international level, to encourage development of officials via appropriate accreditations.

  8. To develop relationships and work with a range of other supporting organisations for the benefit of club members. These include Athletics NSW, Willoughby City Council, UTS Sports, NSW State Government, corporate sponsors, schools, community groups and other local sporting clubs.

  9. To remain financially viable through the pursuit of sponsorship and government grants from relevant organisations for the benefit of club members, while maintaining budgetary restraint, through the growth of the UTS North's Foundation.

  10. To have policies and guidelines that are transparent and have good governance for the mutual benefit of all club members.

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